1. Foreign Direct Investment Marketing

  • Network

    Cooperation with FDI related entities

  • Investor Relations

    Conducting overseas IR sessions

  • FDI Promotion
    • Why Seoul
    • Creative environment
    • FDI incentives

2. Customized support by FDI procedure

  • Pre-investment
    • Investment & Incorporation consultation
    • Invest Seoul Biz Tour
  • Investment
    • Providing information on FDI overall procedure
    • Covering fees & expenses incurred in incorporation, business permit/approval
  • Post-investment
    • Investors settling-in assistance
    • Grievances handling

3. Foreign start-up support

  • Audition

    Technology based start-up idea competition (Demo day)

  • Housing

    Housing support for foreign start-ups

  • Educations
    • Business start-up school
    • Seoul Trade Academy
    • Business Korean Course
  • Incubation
    • Free office space
    • Business coaching & mentoring

4. Building global business networks

  • Investors aftercare
    • Collaboration with global VC/AC, overseas offices of KOTRA
    • Improvement of Seoul’s FDI environment through cooperation
    • with central government organizations
  • Business networking

    Regular meet-up events for start-ups

'About ISC' 카테고리의 다른 글

Welcome to the Invest Seoul Center  (0) 2020.02.28