1st Business Seminar in 2020
Korean Business Environment Online and Offline
-Setting up, Marketing, import and export, and future options

Invest Seoul Center is inviting future entrepreneurs to the 1st session of the Business seminar in 2020.
Together with our business consultation service, this program provides expats in Seoul with the necessary information set up and run a business successfully, as well as a chance to network with other expats and professionals

- Course Information -
  • Date: May 19 (Tus.) - 21(Thu.)
  • Course hour: Weekday(Tuesday to Thursday) 19:00 - 21:00(2hours), 6 hours in total
  • Venue: the 6th floor of Seoul Global Center Building
  • Class size: 20 people(First-come, first-serve)
  • Eligibility: Future entrepreneurs(international residents in Seoul)
  • Language: English
  • Course topic
May 19
Korean Business Environment I – Preparing for Business / Entity Creation / Office Evolution
Korean Business Environment I – Consulting / Compliance / Certification / Localization / Sales: Online & Offline
May 20
Korean Business Environment II – Export: Process & Tips
Korean Business Environment II – Import: Process & Tips
May 21
Korean Business Environment III – Building your Brand & Service Providers
Korean Business Environment III – Growing your Business & Future Options

- Application Procedure -
  • Visit the link below and fill out the application form
  • Wait for the confirmation email

- Contact and Inquiries -
Tel (02)6361-4126 / Email sgcbiz@sba.seoul.kr