What are the four social insurances required to employ workers?

Subscription to the four social insurances is an obligation


In a place of business that employs more than one full-time worker,

both the employer and workers are obligated to be insured with

the four social insurances and to pay insurance premiums at

a fixed rate on a regular basis.

Types of the four social insurances


health insurance, covering diseases and injuries

national pension, covering death and old age

employment insurance, covering unemployment

industrial accident compensation insurance, covering

occupational accidents. (Insurance premiums differ depending on income)

Subscription to the four social insurances and relevant information


The four social insurances can be subscribed at the regional offices of

the National Pension Service (national pension),

the National Health Insurance Service (health insurance),

and the Korea Workers' Compensation & Welfare Service

(employment & industrial accident compensation insurances) or on

the website of the Social Insurance Information System (4insure.or.kr).

Business operators are obligated to be insured with

national health insurance and national pension

(Sole proprietor)


Sole proprietors are obligated to be insured with national health insurance

and national pension, although insurance types such as the

workplace-insured and the individually-insured may differ according to

whether they have hired employees or not. In particular, it is necessary to

be subscribed to national health insurance, as it affects visa extension.

Business operators are obligated to be insured with

national health insurance and national pension



Corporate representatives must be insured with national health insurance

and national pension in cases where they receive a salary. Even when

directors are registered as unpaid positions, they must be individually

insured with national health insurance in order to extend their visa in the future.