[상담해DREAM] Must-know tax information for business operators

Entrepreneur B


Is planning to operate a business in Korea and would

like to know basic information on taxes that

business operators should be aware of.

All information on taxes can be found on two websites


The ‘NTS’ website provides tax-related info

& collects taxes while the issuance of tax invoices, tax returns,

tax payments & issuance of various certificates can be conducted

on the Hometax website. 

How to use the Hometax website


Users must first sign up for a membership, which requires

a public certificate of authentication.

There are two options to get ‘a public certificate of authentication’ issued.


When using internet banking as a corporate customer,get the certificate for digital tax invoices at the public internet certificate center

on the website of the applicable bank.


When not using corporate internet banking,

visit a bank to apply for corporate internet banking service

with required documents to issue the certificate.

Essential basic tax information for business operators


Although there are various types of taxes, the most

basic taxes in operating a business include value-added tax,

global income tax and corporate tax

Types of taxes


Value-added tax (VAT) Tax placed on the value added during the process of business

operation activities and is levied on all goods and services


General income tax Tax placed on incomes produced by business activities

in the previous year


Corporate tax Tax placed on net profits after deducting costs and

expenses from sales. A corporate tax rate is a flat rate

and different depending on the income in each business year