Today's Invest Guide : FDI Incentives 

Location Support

Foreign Investment Zone(FIZ)

(Tax deduction/exemption and subsidy for rent)


Individual type

District or land designated by the SMG to induce large amounts of foreign direct investment based on a review of business plans of foreign direct investors

Service type

District or land (including buildings) designated for lease or sale to foreigner-invested enterprises in high value-added service sectors such as financial services

Employment and Training Subsidy


Employment and training subsidies are paid as to the size of employment and the effects on

regional economic development.

Tax Reduction or Exemption

Business accompanying high technology, industry-supporting service, and companies based in an individual-type FIZ can be partially or

totally exempted from taxes such as acquisition and property tax, corporate tax and income tax.

Cash Grant


The cash grant is provided to businesses that have a significant impact on

the domestic economy.