Business Clusters in Seoul



DMC (Digital Media City) is a state-of-the-art digital media

entertainment (M&E) cluster with its advanced IT, human

resources and entertainment capabilities. They are able to form

the best broadband telecommunication system, and succeed

at a rare sight of digital technologies coexisting with

the natural environment.

Magok R&D District



Magok district is an eco-friendly advanced industrial complex,

where high-tech industry and residential spaces are combined.

It was established to lead the Fourth Industrial Revolution as well as

new growth engine industries such as IT, biotech, and nanotech

through a knowledge-based industrial park.

It also created an international business park, consisting of

convention and exhibition facilities to attract foreign investments. 



The urban complex for high-tech industries focuses on

venture, IT, and knowledge industries. It started with the textiles

and garments industries to promote Korean export industries.

However, it has recently been replaced with

high value-added and knowledge-based industries such as

research institutes of major corporations and ventures.

It is known as the Silicon Valley of Korea, where dreams are fulfilled with

the help of its well-organized startup incubation system. 

Hongneung Biohub


Hongneung Biohub, also known as Seoul Biohub, was established to reinvigorate

 the biomedical startup ecosystem and develop the healthcare industry in Seoul. Multiple universities, research institutes,

 and hospitals are located around the area, acting as a foothold for biomedical startups.

The Seoul Metropolitan Government aims to make it a world-class bio cluster to support the successful

 entrepreneurship and growth of promising venture firms as the anchor institution.

Yangjae R&D Campus


As Seoul City’s initiative on the 4th Industrial Revolution, Yangjae

R&D Campus is standing as the specialized center of AI and big

data. Based on its great advantages, such as numerous research

institutes around the area and transportation hub between Seoul

and Gyeonggi province, Yangjae R&D Campus will be the space

for exchanges and cooperation among related organizations.