Today's invest guide

<FDI: Foreign Direct Investment>



Foreign Direct Investment?

FDI refers to foreigners acquiring shares or shares of domestic companies

for the purpose of establishing a continuous economic relationship with domestic companies,

such as participation in management and technical alliances.



Is it possible for foreigners to invest directly without conditions?

NO! Investment requirements must all be met to be able to invest.


A foreigner should invest in at least 100 million won

(100,000USD)and own the total number of shares with

voting rights or at least 10% of the total investment



If I meet the investment requirements, can I invest right away?



Here are procedures you should follow.


1. Report of foreign investment (foreign exchange bank)

2. Remittance of investment funds (foreign exchange bank)

3. Payment of shares (foreign exchange bank)

4. Registration of establishment (court registry office)

5. Transfer investment fund to corporate account (foreign exchange bank)

6. Foreign-invested company registration (Initial reporting agency)



FDI, Is it too complicated?



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