What are the requirements for the Special Occupation visa (E-7)

required to employ foreigners?

Entrepreneur A who operates a business in Korea,

plans to hire overseas workers and bring them to Korea

as his core business is based on transactions with foreign countries.


To this end,

what are the necessary preparations or matters for consideration?


Prerequisite conditions for

the employment of foreigners


1. Amount of sales in the previous year

In essence, The amount of sales in the previous year

must be available.


2. Precise definition of occupational groups

Different types of employment visas may be issued

depending on occupational groups

3. Whether prospective employees are relevant

to the occupational group concerned

Those who did not obtain degrees in Korea must verify

the relevance of their majors and careers to

the occupational groups for which they are hired.


4. Exploitative methods to pay low wages must be prevented

To prevent the employment of foreigners from

being used as a loophole of paying low wages,

the employment agreement must specify working

hours relative to the monthly basic wage

Directly inquiring with

the Korean Immigration Office


Companies that seek to hire foreign workers,

they need to confirm the requirements through

the Korean immigration office regarding the company's situation

(scale, workforce status, industry, etc.) and the job group

they want to hire and the information (career and

academic background) of the person they intend to hire.

Document submission

for Special Occupation visa (E-7)


Visa issuance application, copy of invitee’s passport,

photo (3cm x 4cm), and issuance fee


Documents related to the establishment of

the company: Business license, registration certificate of

a foreign-invested enterprise, etc.


Copy of employment agreement


Documents submitted as proof of

the necessity to hire foreign workers

- Statement of invitation, and business plan for employing foreigners

- Letter of employment recommendation (if necessary)