Trade business startups

Foreigners with Korean degrees are able to start a trade business

without a set investment amount.


With regard to trade businesses, foreigners who earned degrees in domestic universities are allowed to establish a business without investment through the point system. 

The point system is the result of relaxed requirements for International

Trade visa, and trade-related performance is considered critical.


Starting a trade business through this system enables foreigners

with Korean degrees to achieve points solely by receiving

specialized trade-related education, which allows a business to be

established without a capital requirement. Under this system,

trade-related performance is the most important element

in extending the relevant visa period. 

 Issuance criteria for International Trade visa (D-9-1)


Basic requirements

- A total of 60 points or higher including

more than 10 points for prerequisite items,

out of a total of 160 points in the point system


Prerequisite items (up to 65 points)

- Trade-related performance of exports and imports over the past 2 years

- expertise in international trade (trade majors or accredited trade courses)

Extension criteria for International Trade visa (D-9-1)


The International Trade visa can be issued under a point system

but it cannot be extended without proof of

trade-related performance.

Although the said visa allows profit-making activities besides the trade business

specified in the business license, the profits produced

through such business activities are not included in

the items required to extend the visa