Today's Invest Guide : Establishment procedure of corporation

A. Decision of establishment


1. Staff organization

2. Establish purpose and determination of investment method

3. Online company name search and registration

4. Composition and accreditation of articles of incorporation

B. Foundation Capital and organization


1. Determination of issuance of shares

/ stock acquisition of promoters

2. Promoter meeting

3. Board of directors

4. Report of investigation

5. Certification of minutes

B. Foundation Capital and organization


1. Share payment of shareholders

2. Issuance of statement of bank balance / freezing bank accounts

C. Payment of corporate registration tax


- Registration tax: 4/1000th of capital

- Education tax: 2/10th of registration tax

- Administration: Gu-office


D. Registration of incorporation


Handled by Commercial Registration Office of Court


Registration of incorporation should be done within two weeks after the report of investigation is completed (two weeks from the closing of inaugural general meeting and board meeting)